Sunday, September 7, 2014

Perspective affect our daily life - priority and decision making

Flashback to December 1983, one month after I have received Jesus into my life, I went to a 5 day conference. 

I don’t remember the exact theme of the conference.  It may be “More than Conquers”.

I remember having a difficult time finding a ride to get home. As much as I like to eat I don’t remember how the food was.  I did not make any new friends. I was pretty much by myself. One funny thing that I can remember is that I was in a Bible study and somehow the topic of “Morning Star” came up.  My Bible study group knew that I came from the same church as the main speaker of the conference so they ask me to explain what “Morning Star” was.  They thought by the fact I came from the same church as the main speaker that I would automatically know the answer.  Little did they know that I have only been “enlightened”/accepted Christ for only a month. I think it is natural that they thought that way.  The church that I go to is very strong in Bible teaching and has a good Sunday School Infrastructure with lots of dedicated Sunday School Teachers.
Well, these things were not so important.  The most important thing is that this conference pretty much set the tone of how I live and grow in my walk with Jesus until today.

I remember well that in the conference, I have decided that I will be a Good (best) and Faithful servant of God.  This thought being a good and faithful servant is still my life goal even today.  This is manly from the Parable of the Talents in Matt 25:14-30. 

Why is this so important to me and how has this affects me?

The perspective of a person will dictate the person’s behavior and reaction to different things.   
My perspective and goal in life is to be a Good and Faithful servant of God.  Being a servant there are things that I will and will not do.  For me God’s work is always the most important and will have my highest priority.  Take for example, there was one time that I can sit for a certification exam without being required to take a "What's new" class if I can do that before a deadline.  This was a very difficult test.  The deadline was on a Wednesday.  3 Days before the exam I remember that I have to write a teaching outline for Sunday School.  As I have stated before to be a faithful servant I see God’s work as more important than my own work. I stopped my study and worked on that teaching outline.  Before I could finish the teaching outline I would not study. If I did not pass before the Wednesday deadline I will have to have to take a class which would cause me $500.  It is natural for a servant to finish his Master's work first even it that would cause me $500 (well plus the exam fee).  When I honored God he helped me to finish the teaching outline in 5 hours and I was able to resumed my study and was able to pass that difficult test.

(Note: Please be aware that being a child of God, He did not promise that everything that happened in my life will be easy and good.  All Christians will have to face difficult times just as others.  The only difference is that when we are in difficult times, we have the peace of God and His guidance.)

Another perspective is that I will have as well as my life goal is to hold fast until the end. I do not remember exactly if this was also the result of the conference that I mentioned in the beginning of this post. Once I received Christ into my heart I am a child of God and I will be able to reign with Him eternally.  To me this is an extraordinary thing that can happen to a person.   
Often time people will say if you believe in Jesus you can go to heaven.  This is good but what are we going to do in heaven?  We are to reign/rule with Jesus.  One more thing that amazes me is that in Revelations 3:21 it said – “He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.   What is an overcomer is still being debated by theologians.  At least I can say for sure is that to hold fast until the end to my faith is an element of being an overcomer.

Where are we sitting according to Revelation 3:21?  We are to sit with Jesus on His throne.  We get to sit at Jesus throne and not just some throne make for us humans.  It is just like we are to sit at the head table of a banquet and not a separate table.

It is just way too amazing.

So all these years, every day when I wake up I know I am a servant of God and that I need to hold fast to my faith.  My perspective affects how I deal with other people as well as taking priorities and making decisions in my life.

This is just one of the many things that happened in my life and how it affects my day to day living.  Stay tune for more as how I walk with Jesus and to live a rich and peaceful life.

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