Thursday, September 4, 2014

I changed this blog to record what happens in my life.

When I first started this blog, it was meant to be a technical blog.

For a long time I am not able to publish anything except the book review.

In 2013, I started another blog and same thing happened in which nothing is published until July 2014.  Since then I am able to publish 2 blog posts on my experience in being a speaker for a local VMware user group and my participation to the Virtual Design Master competition as well as 3 blog posts on technical subjects. I am currently work on the 4th post.  My goal is to publish 3 blog post per month as a minimum.

As I reflect on what happened in my life, I think it is good to maintain 2 blogs.  One for publishing technical content and this one for what is happening in my life.

I was thinking why all of a sudden I was able to deliver blog posts?  It is as if I got enlightenment.

I think I did.

In 1982, I came to the United States. I was living with my uncle.  Every Sunday he goes to church.  He took me along.  I still remember vividly the first Saturday that I am in the states, my uncle was driving and asked me if I would go to church with him the next day.

I went with him and start to meet new friends.  Two months later, my uncle wanted to join the church and had to give his personal testimony at a prayer meeting.  He invited me to go.  He described how he came to know Jesus when he was in college.  At that time I did not really understand what he said.  It got me thinking.  I went to a Christian school since 1st grade and I heard about Jesus when I was 6 and I always believed that there is a God somewhere out in the sky.  What got me thinking and thinking is that if you ask me to go up to the stage I would not be able to do what my uncle did - to tell a "story".  What is the difference?  He knows God and I know God and I went with him to church every Sunday.

It was the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  The church that I went to (I still attend this church today) has a Thanksgiving dinner gathering. I signed up for clean up job.  So after worship I did not go home and stayed at church.  During lunch time I as the pastor.  He knew I am a new comer to his church so he invited me to have lunch with him so he could get to know me better.

During lunch, I told my pastor that my uncle gave a testimony the pass Wednesday.  I told him what was in my mind and that was "I would not be able to do what my uncle did - to tell a story"  I got nothing to tell even I know there is a God.

After hearing this, my pastor told me that knowing there is a God is good but we have to pray to accept Jesus into our heart.

Oh this is the missing part!  I never knew that have to confess my sins and to accept God into my life.

After lunch, my pastor asked me if I wanted to receive Jesus into my heart.  I gladly say yes.  I accepted Jesus into my heart on that day. I became a child of God and I know Jesus dying on the cross and resurrected after 3 days had made me able to come to God with no hindrance.

My enlightenment start on the day I received Jesus into my heart.

This was many years ago but this was a "new beginning" for me.  I will post more about what happened to me after this special enlightenment. 

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