Sunday, September 14, 2014

I did not realized until today that you mean so much to me.

Today is the first day of another church year.

One of the building is also done with renovation and we are able to use it for our Sunday School Class.

I have to be at church early in the morning and before worship starts I have some time to spare so I went into the renovated building and take a look.

I do not realize that I have such a feeling with this building until this morning.  The "you" in the title of this blog is this building.

Why will this be?

Due to renovation, I have not been into this building for almost one year.  When I walked in, I noticed the layout of the building had changed.

While I was walking around, memories of things that happened many years ago came to my mind.  I remember the room where I ask a girl out for lunch and now she became my wife.  I remember having fellowship meetings when I was in college.  How I spend a lots of time cooking for the seniors at our church.  It goes on and on.  It might be similar to when Jesus comes again and we have to appear before Him.  All the things (whether good or bad) that happened in our lives will be shown one after another.

It came to me that I grew up in this church and I also grew up in this building.  Touring this renovated building is just like visiting my home town of my childhood after having moved away for many years.

With the memories of what happened in this building coming back to me, I cannot help but to thank God in putting me in this church.

Last time I talked about being a good and faithful servant for God is my life goal.  Having the desire is one thing and being able to do it is another thing.

I believe 2 things helped me to stay focus and to stay on track. The first thing is a persistent prayer life and the second is the love of God's word.

I don't have time to explain in detail today but I would like to share with you 2 Bible verses that shaped my life and to allow me to live a rich and peaceful life.

The first Bible verse is Luke 18: 8b "... when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”

The context of Luke 18: 1-8 is the Parable of Prayer.  There is a widow who demand justice from a wicked Judge and eventually because of the persistence of the widow the Judge is able to grant her justice.  In Luke 18:1, it said " Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart"  When Jesus come can we find such faith?  What kind of faith?  It is the faith that prayer can move mountains.  We need to have a persistent prayer life knowing that we should pray for all things and not to lose heart.

The second Bible verse is I Cor 2:4 "My message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men but on the power of God". 

It said our faith should rest on the power of God and how can we have our faith rest in God?  It is through the study of God's word.  We need to get "rhema" (a Greek word that refers to spoken word) from the Bible.  We should let the Bible verse along with the conviction of the Holy Spirit to talk to us. 

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