Monday, June 22, 2015

Did you provoke someone today?

“Provoke” in the modern day English has negative meanings but in the context of Hebrews 10:24, we are to actually commend to provoke others. 

"and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works" Hebrews 10:24 KJV

NASB uses the word “stimulate” which does not carry the negative connotation.  
"and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds" Hebrews 10:24 NASB

The Chinese translation bring it one step further using 2 verbs  激 發 and 勉 勵

"又 要 彼 此 相 顧 , 激 發 愛 心 , 勉 勵 行 善
I believe regardless of what translation you read, we can see the action be it "to provoke", "to stimulate", "to  激 發" or "to 勉 勵",  it is something that does not happen naturally or automatically. We need to take special efforts to help one another to love one another or to perform “good deeds” to one another.  

One illustration that I can think of is when we “jump start” a stalled car.  The stalled car has all the necessary parts and all it needs is some external stimulation and in this case electric power.
image source:$adpgraphic$

So how can we provide this external electric power to jump start one another to love and/or to perform good deeds?

To stimulate/provoke can be by action or by word.

To stimulate/provoke by action
The Chinese translation 激 發 does give good description on how to stimulate/provoke in action and that is to lead by example.  We are to do it ourselves.  We need to practice how to love one another.

I like the book "The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts" by Gary Chapman.  If one of your love language is to give gifts than show your love by giving someone a small gift.

We are to perform good deeds.  What does it mean by "good".  This should be according to God's standard.  When we do good deeds people can see it and is likely to follow.  As for me the guideline for doing good deed will result in drawing people closer to God.

To stimulate/provoke by words
One way to stimulate/provoke by words is to say thanks to one another as you see fit.  For example, after Bible study we can say “Thanks for leading the Bible study”.  You never know what others are going through in their daily lives and that include the pastors, deacon or other leaders of your church.  You never know what impact you have to others.
I am not suggesting to blindly saying GOOD things about others.  When we saying something to others we need to first listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  We are all prophets of God –

I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren like unto thee, and will put My words in His mouth; and He shall speak unto them all that I shall command Him.”.  Deut 18:18

Being a prophet is simply being a mouth piece of God.  God put His Words in the prophet's mouth and command the prophet to speak for Him. God can choose to you to deliver a full blow sermon on Sunday worship, God can also choose you to say a simple sentence such as “Thanks for picking up the trash on the floor”.
I am prompted to write this blog post hoping to provoke or to stimulate YOU to love one another and/or to perform a good deed.  So listen to the Holy Spirit so that you will know to whom you can provide this external electric power to the person that God wanted you to “jump start”